Coexistence of vortex arrays and surface capillary waves in spinning prolate superfluid 4 He nanodroplets

Within density functional theory, we have studied the interplay between vortex arrays and capillary waves in spinning prolate 4He droplets made of several thousand helium atoms. Surface capillary waves are ubiquitous in prolate superfluid 4He droplets, and depending on the size and angular momentum of the droplet, they may coexist with vortex arrays. The authors have found that the equilibrium configuration of small prolate droplets is vortex free, evolving towards vortex hosting as the droplet size increases. This result is in agreement with a recent experiment [O'Connell et al., Phys.

Subpicosecond metamagnetic phase transition driven by non-equilibrium electron dynamics

Femtosecond light-induced phase transitions between different macroscopic orders provide the possibility to tune the functional properties of condensed matter on ultrafast timescales. In first-order phase transitions, transient non-equilibrium phases and inherent phase coexistence often preclude non-ambiguous detection of transition precursors and their temporal onset.

Excitons and carriers in transient absorption and time-resolved ARPES spectroscopy: An ab initio approach

The author presents a fully ab initio scheme to model transient spectroscopy signals in the presence of strongly bound excitons. Using LiF as a prototype material, the authors shows that the scheme is able to capture the exciton signature both in time-resolved angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and transient absorption experiments. The approach is completely general and can become the reference scheme for modeling pump and probe experiment in a wide range of materials.

Common workflows for computing material properties using different quantum engines

The prediction of material properties based on density-functional theory has become routinely common, thanks, in part, to the steady increase in the number and robustness of available simulation packages. This plurality of codes and methods is both a boon and a burden. While providing great opportunities for cross-verification, these packages adopt different methods, algorithms, and paradigms, making it challenging to choose, master, and efficiently use them.

OPTIMADE, an API for exchanging materials data

The Open Databases Integration for Materials Design (OPTIMADE) consortium has designed a universal application programming interface (API) to make materials databases accessible and interoperable. We outline the first stable release of the specification, v1.0, which is already supported by many leading databases and several software packages. We illustrate the advantages of the OPTIMADE API through worked examples on each of the public materials databases that support the full API specification.

Invariance principles in the theory and computation of transport coefficients

In this work, the authors elaborate on two recently discovered invariance principles, according to which transport coefficients are, to a large extent, independent of the microscopic definition of the densities and currents of the conserved quantities being transported (energy, momentum, mass, charge). The first such principle, gauge invariance, allows one to define a quantum adiabatic energy current from density-functional theory, from which the heat conductivity can be uniquely defined and computed using equilibrium ab initio molecular dynamics.

Compact atomic descriptors enable accurate predictions via linear models

The authors probe the accuracy of linear ridge regression employing a three-body local density representation derived from the atomic cluster expansion. The authors benchmark the accuracy of this framework in the prediction of formation energies and atomic forces in molecules and solids. They find that such a simple regression framework performs on par with state-of-the-art machine learning methods which are, in most cases, more complex and more computationally demanding.

Electronic-structure methods for materials design

The accuracy and efficiency of electronic-structure methods to understand, predict and design the properties of materials has driven a new paradigm in research. Simulations can greatly accelerate the identification, characterization and optimization of materials, with this acceleration driven by continuous progress in theory, algorithms and hardware, and by adaptation of concepts and tools from computer science.

Prediction of Phonon-Mediated Superconductivity with High Critical Temperature in the Two-Dimensional Topological Semimetal W2N3

Two-dimensional superconductors attract great interest both for their fundamental physics and for their potential applications, especially in the rapidly growing field of quantum computing. Despite intense theoretical and experimental efforts, materials with a reasonably high transition temperature are still rare. Even more rare are those that combine superconductivity with a nontrivial band topology that could potentially give rise to exotic states of matter.

AiiDAlab – an ecosystem for developing, executing, and sharing scientific workflows

Cloud platforms allow users to execute tasks directly from their web browser and are a key enabling technology not only for commerce but also for computational science. Research software is often developed by scientists with limited experience in (and time for) user interface design, which can make research software difficult to install and use for novices. When combined with the increasing complexity of scientific workflows (involving many steps and software packages), setting up a computational research environment becomes a major entry barrier.
